•  Do I have to be flexible prior to starting yoga?

    • Yoga is accessible for everyone - we encourage you to try our heated variation in order to develop your body’s mobility and flexibility. We realize everyone’s bodies are different . Yoga is not about worrying if you are flexible enough compared to the rest of the room, but to feel aligned, supported and great within your own body.

  • How do I create an account and/or pre-register for a class online?

    • You can create an account by clicking on the Schedule option on the banner of our website. By creating an online account, you can reserve space in yoga classes, review your visit history, and make purchases. Saving time every time you check-in at the studio.

  • Where can I park?

    • Municipal lot #018 is located at 450 W. Broadway with plenty of parking if you are driving to the studio. Otherwise there is metered and residential on street parking available on W. Broadway and F St.

  • How early should I arrive?

    • For your first class, please arrive at least 5-10 minutes prior to class.

  • What should I wear?

    • Wear comfortable athletic clothes so you can move around easily and sweat.  Not too tight as you’ll be stretching and not too loose as you want to stay covered as you move around on your mat.

  • What should I bring?

    • Towels – We recommend you bring at least one towel for class – because you will sweat!  We will have towels for sale in case you forget to bring one.

    • Water – It’s very important to come to class well hydrated.  We also recommend you drink water during and especially after class.  Trust your body and intuition. We have a bubbler to refill your water bottles.

    • Yoga Mat – We encourage you to bring your own equipment, however, we do have yoga mats to rent for $5. We also offer $15 refillable water bottles, $5 towels and $5 headbands for sale.

  • How often should I practice yoga?

    • Yoga is designed so you can practice every day! Realizing that each person is unique, we recommend that you start slow with 2-3 classes per week and build up your practice. The longer you practice yoga, the more in touch you will become with your body and what is appropriate. You can also practice yoga at home or before/ after you engage in other forms of movement.

  • What is Heated Sculpt?

    • Heated Sculpt is our Signature 45 minute weighted yoga format, which is an intense and challenging style of yoga set to the beat of the music. Heated Sculpt is designed to honor the integrity of a traditional vinyasa style class, and to complement your existing yoga practice.